A gift card disguised as a box of empty bottles serves as an invite to your guest’s in-studio experience.
Once here, our Scentologists guide the lucky recipient through a customization experience filled with fun and discovery. Your guest will leave with a custom scent, custom body products, and custom home diffuser – all bottled fresh on-site just for them.
*Please note this is a PHYSICAL PRODUCT. When you order it you will not receive an email gift card. We will send you a gift box of empty bottles (perfume, body wash, body lotion, and diffuser, solid scent palette) for the recipient to bring to our store to fill with their custom scent!
Recipient can’t make it to one of our studios? Get them the at-home customization gift! Want more price flexibility for different products? We have a regular gift card too.
*fragrance and diffuser label names may contain letters, numbers, periods, or hyphens; no other special characters.
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